
40mm HepVo Self Sealing Waterless Waste Valve (Trap)

Original price was: $55.00.Current price is: $44.60.

HepvO is a unique self-sealing waste valve that prevents the escape of foul sewer air from waste discharge systems, and actively maintains the pressure equilibrium in soil and waste installations.

SKU: CV1 WH Categories: ,


The 40 mm HepVo waterless waste trap valve prevents backflow of air and water into showers and sinks. HepvO is a unique self-sealing waste valve that prevents the escape of foul sewer air from waste discharge systems, and actively maintains the pressure equilibrium in soil and waste installations.


  • vertical/horizontal installation,
  • no foul orders,
  • hygienic,
  • space saver,
  • no “gurgling” noises,
  • easy flow,
  • perfect for occasional use (such as RV’s, guest bedrooms, motor homes),
  • copes with food waste and
  • operates in hot/cold environments.
As a dry sealing valve, HepvO utilizes a purpose designed membrane to create an airtight seal between the living space and the drainage system. The self-sealing valve opens under the water pressure of a fixture emptying, and closes to form a tight seal after the fixture has discharged under normal atmospheric conditions.
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